Check Out What People Are Saying About My Collection!
Just over a week before my collection goes live!
What Remains When The Stars Burn Out will be released on March 31st! Ebook pre-orders are available now!
The paperback version will be available on March 31st for purchase and I will even be selling signed copies!
Twelve stories!
Twelve PLM illustrations!
All horror!
Let’s see two advance blurbs about the collection. The first is from Hailey Piper, a talented horror author whose works include Queen of Teeth and Benny Rose the Cannibal King:
“A gift of cosmic horror by someone who truly gets it. The imagination here runs the gauntlet across a galaxy of weird dread. Stuffed with delicious WTF energy and malevolent fates, McMillan’s stories go the extra mile to mess you up.”
And the second is from Caleb Stephens, an amazing dark fiction writer whose works include The Crowing and The Atoll:
“The best kind of horror—the kind that digs deep and forces you to confront your fears, to stare them straight in the face and overcome them—is a rare find indeed. With themes of anxiety, paranoia, love, and loss, What Remains When The Stars Burn Out by P.L. McMillan is an example of horror done right. This magnificent collection is a tour-de-force, gut-punch of the cosmic variety, wonderfully strange and intimately disturbing. Every story has hooks, every sentence teeth. Ones that, once they sink in, don’t let go. I’ll be thinking about this one for a long time to come.”
So pre-order you ebook now or check out my blog on March 31st to get your paperbacks! Don’t miss out!